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Why Choose Vicostone Quartz for Your Next Countertop in Midland, MI?

August 28, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you old enough to remember the days of Formica or wood block countertops? The world has come a long way since then. Today there is a dizzying array of options available to every homeowner looking to upgrade a kitchen or bathroom countertop. Realtors report that countertops are quickly becoming one of the more important factors that affect the sale of a house. It’s important to do your research to choose the perfect countertop for your home. Which material and which brand is right for you? There are some good reasons why we feel Vicostone quartz might just be your... View Article

The Advantages of Cambria Quartz Countertops in Midland, MI

August 14, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

What look will you choose for your next kitchen or bathroom? With all the quality stones, fixtures and appliances available to you, there has never been a better time to remodel your kitchen or bathroom than now. For many, the greatest difficulty lies in determining which countertop will be best. Read on to learn about why we like Cambria quartz countertops in Midland, MI. Maintenance While your friends and family are continually resealing and polishing their granite and marble countertops to maintain that fresh look, Cambria quartz is virtually maintenance free. The stone is naturally stain resistant. Its clean look... View Article

What Types of Home Remodels Are Worth the Investment?

July 31, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

People remodel their homes for a variety of reasons. Some people want to update outdated systems and fixtures in their homes. Others want to improve the functionality of their spaces, or simply wish to make their homes look better. But whatever the reason for the remodel, homeowners should also ensure they do the remodel in a way that gives them a positive return on their investment. Will your remodel of choice improve the value of your home in the long run? If not, you might be spending money that won’t be of much help to you should you ever choose... View Article

The Most Popular Design Styles for Kitchen Cabinets in Midland, MI

July 17, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

The style of cabinetry you choose will have a big influence on how you design the rest of your kitchen. No matter what kind of tastes you have, there are certainly cabinet styles that fit your preferences. But which is ideal for you? Here’s an overview of some of the most popular design styles for kitchen cabinets in Midland, MI: Traditional: Traditional cabinets tend to have a little more detail than other styles, including raised-panel doors and bead-board designs. The colors can vary from wood hues to clean whites and creams, as well as some tans and reds. They commonly... View Article

What to Consider When Choosing Your Kitchen Sink Material

July 3, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re preparing to go through your very first kitchen remodel, you might not realize just how many decisions you’ll be asked to make within a very short amount of time. By researching these decisions and your options ahead of time, you’ll be able to cut down on some of the stress associated with the kitchen remodeling experience. One of those choices you’ll need to make is the kind of sink you’ll install. Today’s kitchen sinks come in all styles and materials, each of which have their own unique attributes and benefits. Here’s some information about some of the most... View Article

Nowak Cabinets of Midland